Book Reviews

Click on your favorite book to read the review 🙂 

Rich dad poor dad

One of the best books on Financial Literacy. 

Psychology of Money

The Best book on how humans behave with their money.

The Courage To Be Disliked

Best book for overcoming the fear of what others think about you.


Best book for understanding and developing a growth mindset.

The Intelligent Investor

The best book ever written on the stock market.

Eat That Frog

Best book to overcome procrastination and manage your time smartly.

Do Epic Sht

A really good book to avoid common mistakes youngsters make in their prime age.

Atomic Habits

Master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.


Ikigai – The Japanese secret to a long and happy life.

Think & Grow Rich

Gita Wisdom Through Quotes

The Alchemist

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